Monday, October 17, 2011

Friday's Training, PRs

Friday - BS 5x5 @ 305#
- this made me sore all weekend

Monday -
Snatch High Pulls 4-5 sets of 3 @205#
Clean triples @ 215#x3 sets
build to heavy snatch - 240#.  5# PR, very happy with this.  Missed it once

"If one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams, and endeavors to live the life which he has imagined, he will meet with success unexpected in common hours."
- Thoreau 

Thursday, October 13, 2011

PR day

Build to a max snatch
- hit 235#.  15# PR, 2 tries.  Should have had it the first go.
A few sets of RDLs 205x11, 265x7
1RM deadlift @485 (25#PR)

Great day.

"The formula for success is quite simple; double your rate of failure."
-  IBM founder, Thomas Watson

Pulls, Snatch, Balance

Yesterday's training:
A:  Clean Pulls @275#x3x5
B:  3 position snatchx3 @155,165,175
+ a single at 195#, easy
C:  Snatch balance - work up to 185#x3
some ab work

"If you limit your choices to only what seems possible or reasonable, you disconnect yourself from what you truly want, and all that's left is compromise."
-  Robert Fritz

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Light Day and PRs

Taking this week a little easier

Power Snatch + Snatch x 5 @ 175#
Power Clean + Jerk + Clean + Jerk @215#x2 sets, 205#x3 sets
Back Squats - heavy single - hit 385# (PR).  Excited about this since I missed it twice last week.

"If you want to improve, be content with being though foolish and stupid."
- Epictetus

Friday, October 7, 2011

Weightlifting Training + Being Strong

Sunday I snatched 220#.  PR, felt solid.

Yesterday hit a 270# clean and jerk - best it has ever felt.
Missed 385 back squat, twice.  Figured it was a bit ambitious.

30 day goals:
280# clean and jerk
230# Snatch
400# Backsquat

I watched an interview a while back of Donny Shankle and he asked a simple question that I finally answered.  Why do you want to be strong?  To me, being strong is constantly pushing my limits; both mentally and physically.  It's teaching me to show up, even when dead tired, and still trying.  Teaching me to never stop trying.  Always be trying.  You never know what might happen if you show up and try...