Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Tuesday + Today W1/D2&3

Tuesday's Workout:
A1: Ring dips 2-3 Reps @ 65,75,85#(2)
A2: Supinated Pullups (chin ups) 2-3 reps rest 3 min
Ab work

Snatch @ 85% 1x4 sets @140
Clean and Jerk @ 85% 1x4 sets @195
Front squat 85% 2x3 sets @220

Today's Workout

A. Dead Lift - 3 x 3 @ 80%; rest 2 min @335#
B. Clap Push Ups - 10 reps x 3; rest 1 min
C1. Dead Lift @ 10X0 - 155#/100# x 6; rest 2 sec
C2. 9 push ups; rest 2 sec
C3. 12 box jumps - 24"; rest 3 min x 3
- all fast and explosive.  So fast even that the gym manager lets say, told me members were threatening to cancel due to the excessive noise in the gym.  Oops.  

Snatch @80% 1x4 @ 135
Clean and Jerk @ 80% 1x4 @ 185
Build to heavy snatch.  Hit a new PR @180#  JACKED about this.  My goal for the year was BWT, now it's to hit 200#

"If you always do what you've always done, you'll always get what you have always gotten." 
Sometimes it takes that little extra to realize some great potential.  If you find yourself saying "what if" - do it.  See what happens.  Are you feeling reckless?


Monday, March 28, 2011

Sunday + Oly cycle W1/D1

Sunday's training:
7 sets 
AMRAP bench @ 165# (supposed to be BWT, no spotter)
rest 10 sec
row 200 m for watts

10 reps/418 watts

Today's Training:
Starting a new cycle based off a Bulgarian system - High intensity, fairly large volume
M/Tr will be technique/supplement work, T/W/Sat will be lifts at high % of 1RM

A: Halting snatch pulls (1"+knee+thigh+finish) + pull; 1+1 x 4 sets @ 225#
B: PP + behind neck jerk + Jerk 
@ 145,155, 175#x3 sets.  Last 2 sets were 2 behind neck jerk no jerk
C: 25 KTE + 25 Hanging leg raise + 50 situps

"The greatest barrier to success is the fear of failure"
Sven Erikkson


Saturday, March 26, 2011

Ah the bulgarians...

"When an American lifter asked Abadjiev what he looked for in an athlete, he replied simply, “will power.” Elsewhere, the Bulgarian System has been described not as a program but as a “state of mind" or "way of life”. There is no doubt that lifters who choose to employ this method must be highly motivated and robust. They must be extremely disciplined both in and out of the gym (to ensure optimal nutrition and sleep etc). Finally, they must be fearless in their pursuit of new maximums and must avoid cultivating a negative attitude toward failures. One of the most striking aspects of the excellent Ironmind DVD, “Unbelievable Bulgarians” is actually the number of missed attempts..."

Thursday's Training + PR Saturday W3/D5

Thursday's Training:
3 segment clean pull and finish + clean pull (1+1) x 2 x 4 sets
@ 255#
Hang power clean + 8 burpees as fast as possible 3 sets; rest 5 min
@ 145#,155#
20 sec 100% airdyne sprint
@ 9,9,18 cals.  Took about 10 seconds to hit 1 calorie, then switched bikes.

3 Rounds for time
5 x 285# DL
muscle up into 10 ring dips
15 24" box jumps
30 Double Unders
Time: Not sure, didn't time it but clock told me less than 5 minutes

Saturday's Training (Today)
Heavy snatch - hit 165, threw 175 on the bar.  Not a horrible idea.  Barely lost it out the back.  Pulled high enough to power snatch it.  F%##

Heavy Clean and jerk - hit 230#. HEll YES! 10 pound PR.  Jacked for this.  Clean was very solid, caught very high.  Jerk a little slow though
Back squat 2 reps x 5 sets @ 255x2 sets, 275x 3 sets
Some assistance work - external rotations, abs, goodmornings, powell raises, trap 3 raises.

Good training day!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Metcon WOD + Oly W3/D3

Today's Workout:
Heavy pressing - 3x3 @135,140x2 sets.  This is 90 and 93% of my current 1RM
5 Rounds for time @90-95%:
6 Hang Power Snatch @ 75#
12 Pullups
24 Double Unders
12 Hanging leg raise
Time: 11:11
- eh took it easy'ish - HSPU and leg raises seemed to take a freaking eternity.  Not so much a lung burner as a muscle fatigue WOD.  Heavy press really kind of killed everything I had I'm thinking.  Always learning

Power clean + FS + Clean + Jerk (5 sec hold)
@175x3 sets, 185#x2
Snatch @65% 3x5 sets
@ 95#
Tested out the games wod for fun - moved at about 85%, 3 rounds in 6 minutes.


Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Oly Cycle W3/D2

Today's Workout
Muscle Snatch 3x3 @ 75#,95,115(sketchy)
Back Squat @ 255 x 3 reps x 5 sets + 5 24" box jumps after every set; rest 3 min
- felt solid, BJ easy, squats got a little heavy towards the end

A: Power Snatch + OHS + Snatch (2 sec hold @ bottom of OHS/SN) rest as needed
@ 115#x3 sets, 135#
B: Push Press + Behind Neck Jerk + Jerk
@ 135x2 sets, 155#x2 sets, 175# (felt solid, PP a little heavy)
Double Under work - got a set of 100+, then worked speed at sets of 20/30

Good day today, double unders really coming along nicely.

A creative man is motivated by the desire to achieve, not by the desire to beat others
- Ayn Rand


Monday, March 21, 2011

Olympic Lifting W3/D1

Snatch Segment Pulls - (1"+Knee+Hip+ Finish) + Snatch Pull (1+1) x 2 x 5
@ 185x4, 205#
Flat foot High hang snatch pull 5x3 @ 105#
Jerk Dip Squat 5x3 @ 225#x3,245#x2

15 Dips + 15 High Leg raise x 2 sets
10 pullups + 15 HLR
150m Row x 5 sets at 85-100%


Pride is the recognition of the fact that you are your own highest value and, like all of man’s values, it has to be earned.
- Ayn Rand

Saturday, March 19, 2011

PR Saturday - W2/D5

Today's Workout:
Build to heavy single in Snatch and Clean and Jerk
PR - 165# (5#)
PR - 220# (5#)
Pause Back squat - 245# 3x3
Back squat 5x3 @195#
some ab work

Feelin' good about the PRs great day here in MI.

"I wanted to become the seeker, the aroused and passionate explorer, and it was better going at it knowing nothing at all, always choosing the unmarked bottle, always choosing your own unproven method, armed with nothing but faith and a belief in astonishment."

Pat Conroy

Thursday, March 17, 2011

C&J, W2/D4

Today's Workout:
Warmup - hang muscle snatch+backsquat+snatch balance+snatch press.  Repeat a few sets, get warm
A:  3 segment clean pull - (1"+knee+thigh+pull) + clean pull (1+1)x2 x 4sets @225#
B:  Clean and Jerk - 3+1 x 4 @135#
C:  Snatch grip push press 3 x 2 sets @145# + Snatch grip press 5x3 sets @75#
Ab work - 20 situps + 20 @10# + 20@15# + 15 KTE

Notes:  Very weak pressing from snatch grip behind neck, not sure why.

St. Patty's day, don't pinch people who aren't wearing green.  It's just stupid and we all want to punch you in the throat...haha

If we aren’t engaging in the deep, inner work of self-examination, we may not be aware of the real substance of our lives


Wednesday, March 16, 2011

OPT + Oly W2/D2

5 sets
5 Clean and Jerk @135#
10 burpees
15 pullups
rest 6 min
all sets between 1:12-1:15

Power Snatch + OHS + Snatch (2 sec pause in bottom)
Snatch 3x5 @ 95#
Jerk dip squats about 225# 5x3

Decided to test AMRAP Double unders - got 100+, didn't feel like going any more.  About time

Monday, March 14, 2011

Olympic sesh W2/D1

Warmup - 5 min jumping rope, mix of singles, cross over, DU
BB warmup - muscle cleans, long pulls, pressing
A: Power Clean + Front Squat + Clean + jerk (hold 5 sec) x 5 sets, rest as needed
@135,145,155,165,175 (these weights are getting light)
B: High Hang flat footed Snatch High pull 3 x 4 sets, rest as needed
C: Press 3x5

AMRAP DU - 70's.  Going to do one set everyday for AMRAP, need to build up long endurance

Do you want to know who you are? Don't ask. Act! Action will delineate and define you - Thomas Jefferson


Sunday, March 13, 2011


Took it easy today...
rode airdyne to warm up, actual warm up not a CNS rev
A1: Mixed grip pullups @21X1 tempo 2-3 reps x 4 @45,55x2,65(2 reps) rest 2 min
A2: Bench Press x5 reps @195# rest 2 min
B: AMRAP strict chins pronated - 20 reps
C: BAck extensions at 1010 tempo - done with 25#x2 sets, then BW (back was on FIRE)
D: AMRAP Double Unders

Then, Max height jumps (goal is to be able to dunk a bball)

It is said an Eastern monarch once charged his wise men to invent him a sentence, to be ever in view, and which should be true and appropriate in all times and situations. They presented him the words: "And this, too, shall pass away." How much it expresses! How chastening in the hour of pride! How consoling in the depths of affliction!

- Attributed to Abraham Lincoln

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Special Olympics Tournament

So today I had the great honor in participating in Unified Special Olympics Bowling tournament.  Over the past 2 months I have played 2 games, every Friday at 4pm with Tim (Forest) Hiller and AJ (sorry buddy I forgot your last name).  Today we came in third, Tim and I, but that isn't the point.

The point is that being a part of this has really brought me down to earth (and I like to think I'm pretty humble).  They showed me how much I really have and how little I actually struggle.  I complain when something doesn't go my way or whatever - these kids wouldn't think about that.  They don't ever complain...ever.  Timmy bowled gutter after gutter and with a little self correction knocks down a STRIKE!  You'd think he just won the lottery.  And I was so proud and happy for him.  Even writing this brings joy and some tears because it really is something special to see.  In case you hadn't noticed, it's even a little difficult to describe the feeling.  If you ever have a bad day they brighten it right up and make you feel really special.  I am grateful for every moment I spent with them and will truly miss them.  Please, if you ever get the chance, don't pass it up.  It's a memory you'll never regret


Oly sesh W1/D4

Warmup - 5 min airdyne - 10 sec sprint every minute - 50 cals

  • Warm-up series - 2 clean long pull + 2 front squat + 2 clean Sots press
  • Clean segment pull (1", knee, hip, finish) + clean pull - (1 + 1) x 1 x 3 sets
    • was supposed to be x2 for 3 sets but I'm a dummy and forgot so only did 1
    • @225#
  • Clean & jerk - 60% x 3 + 1 x 3
    • @135#x3 sets, 145#x2 sets
  • Backsquat 5x5
    • 225x1, 245#x4
Row 250m all out pace rest 2:30
did 3 sets at 1:30 pace then decided to test 500m row - SHITTY! idea.  Time was 1:32, not surprised as I wasn't feeling powerful.  Ya I know, really dumb idea.  Good to know I can do that after all that other work

"The man who can drive himself further once the effort gets painful is the man who will win."
Roger Bannister

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Oly lift day 3 (Week 1/day 3)


  • Warm-up series - 2 push press + 2 jerk behind neck + 2 press behind neck in split position - 3 sets
    • bar, 65, 95#
  • Power clean + front squat + clean + jerk (3 sec pause in split) - 3 sets
    • 135#x2,145,155,165
  • Hang snatch high-pull, flat footed - 3 x 4
    • oops- did 5x5...95#x5
  • Back squat - 5x5 by feel
    • 225# across - felt good


3 Rounds:
5 muscle ups
10 front squats at 135#
Time: 2:47- Unbroken

Should've gone faster on first round of squats.  

What is Unbroken - well simply, doing the workout straight through with no break ups in reps.  More importantly it's a state of mind.  It's the feeling and emotion that what you're going to do can not stop you, it will not stop you.  You will embrace the pain for it is your friend and your fuel.  Unbroken is that voice that says I will not stop.  You will become unbroken...


Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Day 2 Oly cycle

Today's WOD
15 Box Jumps - 24" box
55 Russian DBS 2pood
15 Box jumps
25 Burpees
TIME: 5:50

PM- Olympic lifting
A: Build to heavy snatch for day - 160#, 15#PR.
Then 75% 5 sets x 1; rest 1 min
B: Build to heavy Clean and Jerk - 215#, 5#PR (had more but left some on table)
Then 75% 5x1; rest 1 min
C: Front Squat 2x2 - 215#, 220#

Feeling good.  Pretty stoked about my oly lifting and how it's coming along.

More Alchemist quotes - if you haven't noticed by now, this book is excellent.  I'd say it's damn near life changing if listened to and actually applied.

“There is only one thing that makes a dream impossible to achieve: the fear of failure.”  The Alchemist 

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Day 1 Oly Cycle

So I've decided to do primarily an olympic lifting cycle for the next month or so (yes, I'm actually sticking with this one).  Following a Catalyst program trying to ingrain my learnings from LA.  Will follow OPTs blog still with some minor changes here and there.  It's all about improving my weaknesses

A:  Squat 3,3,3 @275,285,295# As deep as I could go.
B:  CTB pullups 3x20 unbroken - complete
C: Press 3x5 @115,125,130#

PM: Oly stuff
A: Snatch Balance 3x3 @80% - 115#
B: Power snatch 10x1, rest 1 min @110# (70%)
C: Clean and jerk 10x1, rest 1 min @ 125# (60%)
3 rounds of
3 rope climbs
5 thrusters @115#
7 russian swings, 2 pood
Time - 4:16

Overall, today felt pretty good.  Squat sucks for me (long legs = long way down and up)

Just read the book, The Alchemist again.  Man, in times of trouble that will keep you going on your path.  When all seems to be working against you just remember:
"When a person goes in search of their personal legend, the universe conspires to help them achieve it."

Ever wonder why sometimes, everything always seems to click? Maybe someone told you something or gave you advice or presented you with an opportunity.  There's the universe conspiring to help you achieve your personal legend.


Monday, March 7, 2011

Oly lifting

Last Saturday's Oly sesh with coach Aileen of Bob Takano's gym.

Hang Power Snatch + Overhead squat:  2.1x3 sets - up to 105#
Snatch 3 x 3 sets - up to 115#
Clean and Jerk 3.2 x 3 sets - up to 165# (i think?)
Front squat 4x4 @205#
Power jerk 3x3 @ 105#

My time at Intrepid last week was excellent.  Top notch coaching by Ruth, Sean, Marcus and Aileen.  They put up with my constant questioning (thanks guys!) and helped some fixes.  A writeup will be in order in the near future.  If you are ever in the El Segundo area of LA, go there and check 'em out.

"When you're finished're finished."
- Benjamin Franklin

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Oly Lifting

Oly lifting:
Jerk Balance 60,70,80% 3x3
halting CDL 60,70,80% 3x3
C&J 3+1, 60,70% -80% 2+2x3 (135,155,175#)
Rack Jerk Light technique
Squat (A2G) 205,245,275#x3

Oly lifts coming along nicely.  Much quicker than I anticipated, very excited.  

Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.
- Thomas Edison


Food for thought:
-  What do you wake up for?  Everyday I wake up and get ready to become a new version of me, a better version.  A rough day comes along and all I think about is how this moment is preparing me for the next and how I have become better through struggle.  So what do you get up for?

Wednesday, March 2, 2011


The question I have been asking myself lately - how do you realize your own potential?  I asked Ross Enamait that very question and his response was not what I was hoping for.  He said, and I paraphrase here, "do we ever truly realize our own potential?"  Like I said, not the answer I was banking on; I was hoping for the gates of heaven to open and the light and angels to show me the way.  Ya, right.  

But that thought is interesting - we don't really know our own potential, it comes from simply doing.  Whether this be discussing a topic with someone and realize, "hey, I know more than I thought." Or like my self, you realize you're faster, stronger, quicker than you realized.  Until you look at the clock and say - Oh shit...I didn't even notice.  

But, lets go back to the beginning...What is potential?  Well, its the possibility of something occurring.  In my thought, my own potential greatness/ability.  So if something must become a possibility there has to be a reason for thinking it, right? (stay with me here).  For most people, its training or preparation.  Day in and day out, we work our ass off in hopes of something better.  We have prepared and given the opportunity for greater potential.  Now, we have the possibility of greatness.  How do we achieve it or know it's there?

By going out and testing ourselves.  Laying everything on the line and seeing where the chips fall.  Its stepping into the cage, speaking up in the boardroom, competing, or taking some kind of risk.  That's where we realize our potential.  Sometimes life kicks us in the teeth, better luck next time.  Other times, it gives us a glimmer of hope and that thought - "Maybe I'm better than I thought I was."  The movie Rocky Balboa said it best, "How much you can take and keep moving forward. That's how winning is done! Now if you know what you're worth then go out and get what you're worth. But ya gotta be willing to take the hits, and not pointing fingers saying you ain't where you wanna be because of him, or her, or anybody! Cowards do that and that ain't you!" Taking that risk of getting knocked on your ass, thats where the discovery lies.  

Take the chance and go see what you're capable of!



Today's Training at CF Intrepid

5 rounds:
400m run
15 Overhead Squats @75# (focus on perfect form)
Time: 12:08

Had a hill in the run and kept the weight lighter to keep
Felt like I had some more in the tank as well, keeping intensity a little lower during my "rest" week

If your success is not on your own terms, if it looks good to the world but does not feel good in your heart, it is not success at all.
Anna Quindlen (1953 - )


Oly Lifting Day 2

Yesterday worked the snatch primarily

A: Snatch Press 95# 4 sets x3
B: Halting Snatch Deadlift 3x3 @185#
C: Hang Snatch 3x3 @75,85,95#
D: Front squats at 60,70,80% - 150,175,200#

Notes: On HSD - weight on balls of feet to start, above knee - weight on front heels, high thigh - back on balls (keep lats tight and pulling the bar in)
Hang snatch - keep shoulder blades back and down and press the bar up, don't rush it, fully finish the pull

"Strong people are harder to kill." Mark Rippetoe
- Think about it
