Thursday, March 10, 2011

Oly lift day 3 (Week 1/day 3)


  • Warm-up series - 2 push press + 2 jerk behind neck + 2 press behind neck in split position - 3 sets
    • bar, 65, 95#
  • Power clean + front squat + clean + jerk (3 sec pause in split) - 3 sets
    • 135#x2,145,155,165
  • Hang snatch high-pull, flat footed - 3 x 4
    • oops- did 5x5...95#x5
  • Back squat - 5x5 by feel
    • 225# across - felt good


3 Rounds:
5 muscle ups
10 front squats at 135#
Time: 2:47- Unbroken

Should've gone faster on first round of squats.  

What is Unbroken - well simply, doing the workout straight through with no break ups in reps.  More importantly it's a state of mind.  It's the feeling and emotion that what you're going to do can not stop you, it will not stop you.  You will embrace the pain for it is your friend and your fuel.  Unbroken is that voice that says I will not stop.  You will become unbroken...


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