Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Day 1 Oly Cycle

So I've decided to do primarily an olympic lifting cycle for the next month or so (yes, I'm actually sticking with this one).  Following a Catalyst program trying to ingrain my learnings from LA.  Will follow OPTs blog still with some minor changes here and there.  It's all about improving my weaknesses

A:  Squat 3,3,3 @275,285,295# As deep as I could go.
B:  CTB pullups 3x20 unbroken - complete
C: Press 3x5 @115,125,130#

PM: Oly stuff
A: Snatch Balance 3x3 @80% - 115#
B: Power snatch 10x1, rest 1 min @110# (70%)
C: Clean and jerk 10x1, rest 1 min @ 125# (60%)
3 rounds of
3 rope climbs
5 thrusters @115#
7 russian swings, 2 pood
Time - 4:16

Overall, today felt pretty good.  Squat sucks for me (long legs = long way down and up)

Just read the book, The Alchemist again.  Man, in times of trouble that will keep you going on your path.  When all seems to be working against you just remember:
"When a person goes in search of their personal legend, the universe conspires to help them achieve it."

Ever wonder why sometimes, everything always seems to click? Maybe someone told you something or gave you advice or presented you with an opportunity.  There's the universe conspiring to help you achieve your personal legend.


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