Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Metcon WOD + Oly W3/D3

Today's Workout:
Heavy pressing - 3x3 @135,140x2 sets.  This is 90 and 93% of my current 1RM
5 Rounds for time @90-95%:
6 Hang Power Snatch @ 75#
12 Pullups
24 Double Unders
12 Hanging leg raise
Time: 11:11
- eh took it easy'ish - HSPU and leg raises seemed to take a freaking eternity.  Not so much a lung burner as a muscle fatigue WOD.  Heavy press really kind of killed everything I had I'm thinking.  Always learning

Power clean + FS + Clean + Jerk (5 sec hold)
@175x3 sets, 185#x2
Snatch @65% 3x5 sets
@ 95#
Tested out the games wod for fun - moved at about 85%, 3 rounds in 6 minutes.


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