Saturday, March 12, 2011

Special Olympics Tournament

So today I had the great honor in participating in Unified Special Olympics Bowling tournament.  Over the past 2 months I have played 2 games, every Friday at 4pm with Tim (Forest) Hiller and AJ (sorry buddy I forgot your last name).  Today we came in third, Tim and I, but that isn't the point.

The point is that being a part of this has really brought me down to earth (and I like to think I'm pretty humble).  They showed me how much I really have and how little I actually struggle.  I complain when something doesn't go my way or whatever - these kids wouldn't think about that.  They don't ever complain...ever.  Timmy bowled gutter after gutter and with a little self correction knocks down a STRIKE!  You'd think he just won the lottery.  And I was so proud and happy for him.  Even writing this brings joy and some tears because it really is something special to see.  In case you hadn't noticed, it's even a little difficult to describe the feeling.  If you ever have a bad day they brighten it right up and make you feel really special.  I am grateful for every moment I spent with them and will truly miss them.  Please, if you ever get the chance, don't pass it up.  It's a memory you'll never regret


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