Monday, January 31, 2011

Oly Lifting

Wendler 5/3/1
Squat @ 195x3,225x3,255x5  High bar

Oly lifting - Technique work

A: Halting clean deadlift @ 185x5,225x5,225#x5 @ 21X2.
B: High clean pull from knees 135x5,165x5,185x5
C: High clean from knees @135x5x3
D: Power clean @ 135x3,155x3.  Called it there - everything feels so light now.  Ah, what a little coaching can do!  Cheers Coach Ruth of Crossfit Intrepid for the awesome help! (and congrats on the PRs this weekend)
E: KTEx 20, hand ripped and called it there
-  Pull feels like it's higher on the thighs compared to before.

Post Wod Fuel: 40g P/40g C

How to shock your system and make your body be royally pissed at you
1. Get on a plane from LAX where it's 70 degrees in January
2: Get off in Detroit, 4 hours later, in middle seat, next to a guy who assumed your leg was a scratching post for his leg...
3: Walk outside to find it's now 8 degrees.  Welcome back to Michigan Nik.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Snow+Plane rides+So Cal

Training from a few days ago:
A1:  Close grip bench press 5,3,1,5,3,1 rest 3 min
@ 170,180,190,175,185,205+225 (205 went up no problem)
A2: 20 CTB unbroken chin ups rest 3 min
unbroken rounds 1-4, broken on 5-6. NO chalk lost grip

KBS 2 pood
GHD situps
Double unders
- all must be unbroken
TIME: 8:39.  AS OPT said once, "neural drive leads to anabolic drive."  Changes in where you are (new gym new people, etc.) can alter performance abilities.  Interesting thought...

Just got home to Cali, where it is 70 degrees and perfectly sunny.  A little break always does the body some good.

If you always put limit on everything you do, physical or anything else. It will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them.  - Bruce Lee

Thursday, January 27, 2011 Press day

Today's WOD:
Woke up at 4:50am, had to squeeze it in before my 8am class.  Horrid idea.

A: DL @65% of 1RM DL 10 sets, 2 reps, rest 45 seconds.  Focus on speed
 @275#x 3 sets, 225#x 4, 275#x3 sets.  Leaving some on the table
B: Hang power snatch 5x5 rest 90 seconds
@ 95x1 set, 75#x4 sets.  Focused on form and speed under bar.

Press 3x3+ @ 95#x3,105x3, 120#x7 reps.

Post WOD Fuel: Breakfast - 3 eggs, piece of salmon, 1 apple.


Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Cleans, metcons, confirmation biases

Today's WOD:

Wendler week 2, day 1: Deadlift @ 265x3,305x3,345x8

Squat clean at 135,145,155#.
5 sets
7 front squats
10 burpees
150 m row 100%
rest 5 min
155# & 1:32, 165#x4 & 1:28, 1:39, didn't time, 1:58
Rounds 4 & 5 done on rower, first 3 done on airdyne for 15 cals.

post wod fuel: 65g P/105g C

Some food for thought:
Are you looking for information that simply confirms your own beliefs? Or are you willing to accept an inconvenient truth with an open mind.  With the understanding that it may open your eyes to something new that may inspire you?  Play devils advocate with yourself and really question your own beliefs - am I lying to myself or do I honestly believe it based on data and facts?


Monday, January 24, 2011

Food Porn...Bacon Maple Ice Cream

Mmmmmmm...Bacon.  What could be better?  Well, bacon in ice cream...duh?

Makes about 1 quart

  • 3/4 C pure grade A maple syrup (Do not use the fake stuff!)
  • 1 C whole milk 
  • 2 C heavy cream
  • pinch of salt
  • 4 large egg yolks
  • 3/4 t maple extract (I just used 1/2 t because that seemed mapley enough.)
  1. In a medium saucepan over moderately high heat, boil the maple syrup until reduced slightly, about 5 minutes.
  2. Lower the heat and stir in the milk, cream, and salt.
  3. Cook until just under a boil (you will see bubbles along the edges of the pot and steam rising from the surface).
  4. Remove from heat.
  5. In a medium bowl, whisk the egg yolks until lightened.
  6. Slowly add a few tablespoons (no more than 1/4 cup total) of the hot milk mixture into the yolks, whisking constantly.
  7. Add the yolks back to the rest of the milk, whisking constantly.
  8. Cook the mixture over medium-low heat until thick enough to coat the back of a spoon (if you run your finger across the spoon in a line it shouldn't drip; a candy thermometer will register 170°F). Be careful to not let it boil. (For me, this took just a couple of minutes.)
  9. Strain the mixture through a sieve into a bowl.
  10. Add the maple extract. (At this point, you have maple custard. You may be tempted to eat it all before turning it into ice cream. I wouldn't blame you. It is crazy tasty!)
  11. Chill until very cold, at least 4 hours or overnight.
  12. Meanwhile, Cook about 6 strips of bacon until crispy - ensure crispness and all fat has been rendered (no chewy bits).  Chop up finely.
  13. Freeze in an ice cream maker according to the manufacturer's instructions, about 5 minutes before it's finished throw in the bacon bits.  Voila, awesomeness in a cup or bowl.  
To note: These are neither my picture nor my recipe.  Knowledge lenders...

Another side note - to make myself feel better I used organic whole milk with omega 3s and good cream and quality eggs and some kick ass organic bacon.  Organic may not mean much but it sounds better right? 


Sunday, January 23, 2011

Wendler, TGU + Running

Day 2 Wendler 5/3/1 Strength training:
Squat: 205,235,265x7
Bench Press: 150,170,185#x4 (yikes, dropped to 175 and Close grip, did 6)
- notes: may have started too high with BP as 185 was a slog, Squat felt heavy (it shouldn't), CNS probably fried from yesterday's stupid amount of DB Snatches

Dabbled in it today - took it pretty easy trying to recover today

3 strict Muscle Ups + 5 Turkish Get ups/side with 35# + 24 seconds FLR on rings
rest as needed, 4 sets
30 seconds run @ incline of 12% and speed of 10.1 rest 3:30; 3 sets
at home, 4 minutes of FLR on rings - 2 min,45 sec, 30 sec, 45 sec

Fuel: 50g P/50g C

Need to stop doing Strength stuff after test days - no juice left

Recipe for Bacon maple ice cream coming tomorrow!


Saturday, January 22, 2011

PRs, Secret Service, Crossfit AZO

Today's WOD:
Sat tester
1RM in split Jerk - 200#
rest 10 min
50 hspu for time - 5:11 (done to 2",3",4")
rest 10 min
10 min AMRAP DB snatch @ 55# - 170-180 reps.  Lost count.

Post WOD fuel: 50g P/105g C

BIG, BIG ups to Coach Erin of Crossfit AZO for giving me some pointers on the Clean and Jerk and Snatch.  Help brought on an easy 10# PR in the Jerk.  Thanks Coach!

"I count him braver who conquers his desires than him who conquers his enemies; for the hardest victor is the victory over self." - Aristotle

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Strength & Conditioning

Day 1 of Wendler 5/3/1 program

Deadlift @ 250#x5, 285x5, 305x11 rest 2-3 min
Press @ 85#x5,100x5,115x8 rest 2-3 min

OPT Wod:
4 sets @ 90%:
15 toes to bar
10 burpees
15 box jumps - 24"
30 double unders
rest walk 3 min actively

(goal is all sets same time and effort) 
10 min airdyne Z1 easy pace - complete
4 sets @ 90%:
10 KBS - 1.5/1pd
15 wall balls - 20/14# to 10 ft
15 ring push ups
Row 200 m

rest walk 3 min 

Part 1: 2:03; 2:13; 1:29; 1:24
Subbe t2b for kte (no room to do it)
First round didn't know how fast I could go, closer to 80%
second round shoe came untied and I'm prone to murphys law

part 2: 2:02, 2:23; 2:11; 1:50
Subbed rower for Airdyne.

Couldn't figure out my 90%, still working on finding my "gears"
Post Wod Fuel: 50g P/105g C

Wednesday, January 19, 2011


Today's Workout:
Clean and jerk @ 135#x3, 155#x3, 170#x3 (no jerk) + a few singles at 170#

A: Front squat 3x3 @185,205,215# rest 3 min
B: Hang Snatch 3x3 @105#,95#x2 rest 90 seconds
C1: 20 CTB chin ups x3 rest 2 min
- broken x15, unbroken, broken 5x4
- focused on hitting rib cage to bar and speed, dunno where the unbroken came from - just hit the groove
C2: AMRAP ring dips x 3 rest 2 min
- 15,15,15

Post WOD Fuel: 50g P/80g C

Note: High proximal hamstring issue going on, not sure if it's tissue or tendon.  Stretching and neural flossing aren't working (or don't think they are).

Here's San Frans Kelly Starrett on high hamstring stuff and the crotchtal region...hah:

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Olympic Lifting

Today is the start of a 6 week strength program I'm doing on top of OPT's programming - we'll see how it goes in terms of burnout/overtraining.  But there's no such thing as overtraining, only under recovering :)

Following Cathletics 6 week strength program focused on Oly lifts

  • Back squat - 75% x 4 x 5 
    • @225# A2A (Ass to Ankles)
  • Push press - 70% x 5 x 5 
    • @130# felt good and fast
  • Snatch pull - 90% (of snatch) x 5 x 5
    •  @ 135#
  • Weighted sit-ups - 3 x 10 
    • @ 45#,50,60 
Post WOD Fuel 50g P/20g C (1 cup blueberries)

Everything felt really good today, decided to start a little bit lighter than what I could probably lift.  Form first though.


Monday, January 17, 2011

Big Dawg Comp #3

Yesterday was OPTs Big Dawg Competition #3, a fantastic test prepared by CJ Martin of Crossfit Invictus

Phase 1
As many rounds and reps as possible in 4 Minutes of:
325/265 lb. Deadlift x 4 reps
Muscle-Up x (males-4 reps; females-2 reps)

Rest exactly 8 minutes, and then:
- Scaled to 305# DL and strict MU.
4 Rounds + 4 DL + 2 MU

Phase 2
As many rounds and reps as possible in 6 minutes of:
185/135 lb. Squat Clean x 6 reps
Handstand Push-Ups x (males-12 reps; females-6 reps)

Rest exactly 6 minutes, and then:
Scaled to 145# Power Clean and 5" shy of Full ROM for HSPU
- 3 Rounds even

Phase 3
As many rounds and reps as possible in 8 minutes of:
Row 500 Meters
10 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
10 Burpees
(Athletes will receive 1 point for every 100 meters rowed.)
- 2 Rounds + 152 Meters Rowed

I left and felt a little disappointed in the final phase.  Gamed a little too much and felt like I could've gone faster.  Sidenote: rower was on the opposite side of the gym, but no excuses.  

Great tester that confirmed suspicions - I need to improve my Oly Lifts!  So on top of OPTs programming I'm going to throw in some Cathletics Oly lift cycle 3 days a week.

Nik W

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Cleaning and Conditioning

Today's WOD
A: Powerclean 1,1,1 rest 5 min;
B: AMRAP burpees in 20 seconds rest 2 min;
@9,9,9 to max height jump
C: Row 30 sec @ 95% effort;
avg watts 521

A1:  Stiff Leg DL @ 145,185# & 85#DB/Handx 2 for 8 reps
A2: Seated Row focus on retracting shoulder blades.
4 sets

- Working on thoracic mobility and retracting shoulder blades.  Struggle with pinning them back on any pulling move really.  Also, strengthening Hammies and Glutes.

Post WOD Fuel: 50g P/60g C

We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, therefore, is not an act but a habit.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Randomness, AMRAP

Today's WOD:
10 min AMRAP of 5 ring dips+5 DL @ 135#+5 Powerclean @135#
6 Rounds
5 Min AMRAP of 1 strict Muscle Up + 10 thrusters @ 45#
5 Rounds

Pst WOD fuel: 50g P/65g C

Still a little stiff/sore today.  Need to get sleep in order.

Answer to earlier question is not 50% chance of the other being a girl if the first one's a boy.  Instead its 25%.  Looking at what's called the sample space - number of possible choices/outcomes of a scenario we see four possible choices: Boy/Boy, G/G, Boy/Girl, Girl/Boy.  So if the first one is a boy and a second one is a girl it eliminates the chance of B/B, G/B and G/B.  That leaves us only 1/4 (25%) choice being correct - Boy/Girl.

Food for thought! (FFT)

"Today I will do the things that others won't, so tomorrow I can do what others can't."
- Jerry Rice

Yesterday's Training

3 sets:
20 Unbroken Pullups
40 cal on Airdyne @ 95% effort
- All PU unbroken, times for cal: 1:12,1:14,1:16

Double under practice

Post Wod Fuel: 50g P/85g C

Quads felt heavy, power output just not there.  Calves cramped on DU so shut it down.

How can you tell when you should go all in or just walk away from the table?

Interesting thought:
Reading the "Drunkard's Walk: How Randomness Rules Our Lives" and a question was asked:
-  If there are 2 children born what's the probability that the second one is a girl if the first one is a boy?

Monday, January 10, 2011

Deadlifts and Double Unders, New beginnings

Today's WOD from a past OPT post
7 Rounds for time
10 DL @ 225#
50 Double Unders
TIME: 11:21

Post Wod Fuel: 60g P/85g C

That was awesome.  Had some unbroken double unders, very happy.  Beat goal of sub 2 min per round

So I'm working on a program for a friend of mine and today was the first day.  Won't go into detail but he learned quickly what it means to be uncomfortable.  I made an error in program, gave too much too soon.  Will adjust.  But it serves as a guide and a tool to measure growth.  Looking back on past experiences to see how awful they were, only to find they are a warmup now.  Here's to "throwing our former selves into the fire" to discover what we may become.

"If we're growing, well always be out of our comfort zones."
- John Maxwell

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Today is the first day of the rest of your life

This is roughly my fifth blog.  I seem to struggle to keep it updated for some odd reason.  This is the one I plan on updating and keeping.  It was inspired after I read "What it takes to be number 1" by Vince Lombardi Jr. There is a quote that read"Gentlemen, we will chase perfection, and we will chase it relentlessly, knowing all the while we can never attain it. But along the way, we shall catch excellence."  It struck a cord with me and it inspired me to chase my own perfection.  So this is my blog intended to show my journey following OPT's James Fitzgeralds Big Dawgs Blog.  It's a long journey so here we go.

Power clean 3x3 @ 150,160,170# Rest 3 min

A: close grip bench press, 2x8 rest 45 seconds
B: clean grip deadlift, 315# (thumbs sore as a mug)
C1: AMRAP Extra ROM Handstand Pushups (+2") 5,5,4 rest 20 seconds
C2: GH raises + 10,25# plate on back ext machine x 10 rest 3 minutes

2 sets of
7 Hang Power clean @ 95#,115# 
25 sec on Airdyne - cals 13?,23 
rest 4 min

Post Wod Fueling: 60g P/75g C

Felt good coming back after a 2 week vacation.  Cleans felt strong and powerful