Monday, October 17, 2011

Friday's Training, PRs

Friday - BS 5x5 @ 305#
- this made me sore all weekend

Monday -
Snatch High Pulls 4-5 sets of 3 @205#
Clean triples @ 215#x3 sets
build to heavy snatch - 240#.  5# PR, very happy with this.  Missed it once

"If one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams, and endeavors to live the life which he has imagined, he will meet with success unexpected in common hours."
- Thoreau 

Thursday, October 13, 2011

PR day

Build to a max snatch
- hit 235#.  15# PR, 2 tries.  Should have had it the first go.
A few sets of RDLs 205x11, 265x7
1RM deadlift @485 (25#PR)

Great day.

"The formula for success is quite simple; double your rate of failure."
-  IBM founder, Thomas Watson

Pulls, Snatch, Balance

Yesterday's training:
A:  Clean Pulls @275#x3x5
B:  3 position snatchx3 @155,165,175
+ a single at 195#, easy
C:  Snatch balance - work up to 185#x3
some ab work

"If you limit your choices to only what seems possible or reasonable, you disconnect yourself from what you truly want, and all that's left is compromise."
-  Robert Fritz

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Light Day and PRs

Taking this week a little easier

Power Snatch + Snatch x 5 @ 175#
Power Clean + Jerk + Clean + Jerk @215#x2 sets, 205#x3 sets
Back Squats - heavy single - hit 385# (PR).  Excited about this since I missed it twice last week.

"If you want to improve, be content with being though foolish and stupid."
- Epictetus

Friday, October 7, 2011

Weightlifting Training + Being Strong

Sunday I snatched 220#.  PR, felt solid.

Yesterday hit a 270# clean and jerk - best it has ever felt.
Missed 385 back squat, twice.  Figured it was a bit ambitious.

30 day goals:
280# clean and jerk
230# Snatch
400# Backsquat

I watched an interview a while back of Donny Shankle and he asked a simple question that I finally answered.  Why do you want to be strong?  To me, being strong is constantly pushing my limits; both mentally and physically.  It's teaching me to show up, even when dead tired, and still trying.  Teaching me to never stop trying.  Always be trying.  You never know what might happen if you show up and try...

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Clean N Jerk/OHS

Today's Training:
Power Clean & Jerk
240x1x1 (full clean, nearly power)
Heavy Single in OHS @225#.  A lot left in the tank there

Jerks today felt amazing; fast, light, strong.

"Never be satisfied."

Front Squats/Pulls/DL

Yesterday's training:

Front squat 3 reps x 10 sets @205#(75% of max) rest 2 min
Clean pulls w/ straps @110% of clean x 3 x 2 sets (275#)
Heavy 3 reps clean deadlifts w/ straps @ 365#

"Desire is the starting point of all achievement, not a hope, not a wish, but a keen pulsating desire which transcends everything."
- Napoleon Hill

Goals before Dec 17th, 2011 - 

Snatch 120kg/265# (currently 210#)
Clean & Jerk 140kg/310# (currently 250#)
- yes these are lofty and I don't care

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Back at it again

Day one back in school.  Final semester before the real world comes.

Yesterday's Training:  9/6/11

Snatch.  All night.  Build to a heavy Single

hit 210#.  Which is a PR by 15#
- Drop down to 185# for a single
- Drop to 165# for a double
- Drop to 155# for a triple
3 sets of following complex:
Snatch deadlift to hips + Snatch pull + Pull from hips (extension only)

"No man has ever achieved worthwhile success, who did not, at one time or another, find himself with at least one foot hanging well over the brink of failure."
- Napoleon Hill

Friday, June 24, 2011

Friday 6/24/11

Today's Training:
Deadlift Wendler 5s
3 min amrap KB snatches @ 53#
rest 2 min
2 min amrap Ground to overhead @135#
rest 1 min
1 min amrap burpees

Wendler: 275x5, 320x5, 360x10
55 snatches, 12 G2O, 20 burpees

Tried not to rip on snatches so took it easy.  g2o still beat up a bit from elizabeth in shoulders.  Burpees felt good.  Good workout today

"Excellence is a habit not an act.  You are what you repeatedly do."


Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Missed a few days

WOD 06.15.11

Deadlift 1×5 or Wendler (deload)
In teams of 2,
2 Rounds, AMRAP 2 minutes of each station
Tire Flips (total reps)
Med Ball Situp Toss (total reps)
Rope Climb (total reps)
Row (total calories)

WOD 06.18.11

In Teams of 2 perform:
WOD A:4 minute Stations
50 yd Sled Sprints
Sledge hammer strikes
5 Burpee+T2B
20 Double Unders
Rounds: 7+3burpees

WOD 06.20.11

Back Squat 3×5 or Wendler 
1000m Row Buy-In (3:27)
then 3 Rounds of:
5 Reps of following Complex:
  • Hang Power Clean
  • Front Squat
  • Push Press
  • Good Morning
  • Push Press (from behind the neck)
20 Box Jumps
Lift: squat 260x8
Time: 12:12

WOD 06.21.11

  • 50 Double-unders
  • 50 Situps
  • 40 Double-unders
  • 40 Kayaks
  • 30 Double-unders
  • 30 V-Ups
  • 20 Double-unders
  • 20 Toes-to-Bar
  • 10 Double-unders
  • 10 Ball Ups
Time: 7:15.  This was a fun one.  Ball ups were a joke at the end, forgot which muscles to use at that point haha.

Today's Training:

Jerk 3x2 @ 195# (80% of max)
Clean @135# + ring dips
Time: 9:00 something
- Need to focus on good ROM on the ring dips next time.  Stay near the bar for cleans and longer sets.  Would do 3 really fast and rest.  45 Good reps
Should try to do 5+ at a slower pace.  Relatively happy with today.  But lots of room to improve.  

"Be not afraid of going slowly, be only afraid of standing still."
- Chinese proverb


Friday, June 17, 2011

Press, Box Jump, Tabata squats

Today's training:
A: Press Wendler 5/3/1
B: Find max height box jump
C: Bottom to Bottom Tabata squats

A: 105,120,135#x7 reps
B: Standing jump of 48.25" box, running of 52"
C: low score of 15


Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Lots of Snatching

Snatch 3x3
Amrap 2 min of KB Snatch @53#
2 sets of
400m run
25 pushups
Amrap 2 min of KB snatch @53#

140,150,160x2 (missed on 3rd due to technique.  Shorted the pull)
8:28 total working time.  43/39 KB snatches.
Tried to take today around 90ish%.  Good day today.

"Once we recognize that our good fortune is manifested through our view of our lives, we begin to see that every moment and every day that we live and breathe, we are blessed. Knowing this means that we are more receptive to everything the universe sends our way, since we appreciate that it all will ultimately lead to greater self-realization."

Monday, June 13, 2011

Wed/Fri/Sat/Monday training

Holy shit I missed a few days posting.

Wed 6/8/11
Curtis P (partner workout)
40 reps /person of 1 power clean + 1 lunge L/R + push press.  Alternate each rep

Thurs: Rest day

Friday 6/10/11
Bench Wendler 5/3/1 @ 160, 180, 200x5 (very minimal rest between sets and saved some for workout)
AMRAP 3 min of each couplet
4 ring dips
10 double unders
rest 1 min
3 hang power snatch @95#
10 squats
rest 1 min
7 box jumps @ 30"
5 pushups
Restuls: 8 and change/ 6 and change/ 6 and change

Team workout of regionals #6.

Grip not feeling very strong sometimes a sign of overtraining so took the day off from metcon and went for a MAP run session

Run 5 min warmup
1 min @80-90%
1 min @ 50%
x6 sets
run 5 min cooldown/walk home

felt good.  I fucking hate running though


Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Deadlift, KB snatching and WBs

Wendler 5/3/1 deadlift
10-20-30-20-10 reps of KB Snatch @44#
after each set 12 wall balls @20# to 10' target

Deadlift - 3 reps, cut very shy of max due to not having it today CNS is pretty shot from last weeks training.
Time: 6:07 or so.  Snatches were fast and unbroken (switched 5/hand) wall balls were also strong and unbroken.


Monday, June 6, 2011

Regional workout 1

A: Power clean 3x3
For time:
1000m run
1000m row

A: 185#,205,215#.  This felt awesome today.  Fast and strong
Regional workout: 12:39.  Ended up running 1200 meters on accident.  HSPU just fucking kill me all the time.  I have stupid long arms and a weakish press.  But they're getting better.  Row was just awful in general.  Legs still sore from saturday's workout. 100 overhead squats will do that to ya.

"Never throughout history has a man who lived a life of ease left a name worth remembering."
- Teddy Roosevelt


Sunday, June 5, 2011

Regional WOD

Saturday's Training:

100s workout

100 pullups
100 KB swings @ 1.5 pood
100 double unders
100 overhead squats @ 95#

Time: 22:10.  

This sucked.  Some people who finished this sub 18 is pretty sick.  


Friday, June 3, 2011

DL/BJ Regional WOD


Wendler Press 3s
Regional Games Workout
315# DL
30" Box jump

Press: @100,115,130#x6

Metcon Time: 5:13.

Shit put a hurt on me.  DL got real heavy real quick.  To be expected though.  Good tough challenging workout.  I have a long way to go.

"The great thing in the world is not so much where we stand, as in what direction we are going."
- Oliver Wendell Holmes


Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Wendler Squatting + Conditioning

A: Wendler Squat 5/3/1 
5 rounds for time:
5 power cleans @155#
15 double unders
25 air squats

A: @225,255,285#x5 reps
Everything felt pretty awesome today great day of training!

"I returned, and saw under the sun, that the race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, neither yet bread to the wise, nor yet riches to men of understanding, nor yet favour to men of skill; but time and chance happeneth to them all."
Ecclesiastes 9:11


Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Snatch and burpees

Today's Training:
A: Snatch 3x3
B: Weighted Pullups 4x2
Max burpees in 5 minutes

A: 125,140,155#
B: 55,65,68,72.5
84 burpees.

Good day of training.  Snatch was fast and relatively light today.  Weighted pullups were very easy.  Toughest part of the burpees was my shoulders starting to give out.  100 in sub 5 is coming soon.

"In the absence of guidance and orders, try and figure out what they should have been..."
- Anonymous


Monday, May 30, 2011

"Danny", IF, MAP training

Saturday's Training:
Hero WOD "Danny"
20 min AMRAP
30 Box Jumps, 24"
20 Push Press @ 95# (Rx weight is 115#, shoulders were smoked from the week)
30 pullups

Results: 4 rounds + 30 box jumps.  Hands tore in 3 places so couldn't go hard towards the end.

MAP training:
1 min @85-90% run
1 min rest
x 8 sets
100m sprint x 2 sets, 3 min rest
Dick around with the handstand in the sand.  I suck at this haha

- Good training, worked POSE form while running.  Sprints didn't go well, knee pain on second one so shut it down.  All done on sand barefoot in the beautiful sun!

Thank you to all men and women who serve this great country and do the things most of us would never dream of doing.  Everyday you fight for people whom you do not know, to protect the freedoms which we hold so dear.  Thank you. said it best...Read Post Here

Friday, May 27, 2011

Heavy lifting + rowing

A:  Build to a heavy single in Snatch
B:  Build to heavy single in Clean and Jerk

A: Clean + press, 1.2x4
B: OHS 3x3
500m row for time

A: 190#
B: 225#

A: 135 for all sets
B: 135, 155, 175#
Time: 1:29.2

AM session was terrible.  So slow today and just CNS fried from DT.  A very frustrating session but nice to know that I didn't let my mind beat me.
PM was better.  Press felt very strong and overhead squat felt good, a little heavy towards the end but good.  Row was great for me today.  Tried a different strategy of slowing a little early and then smashing the end.  Had a bit more in me as well.

"Most men fail, not through lack of education or agreeable personal qualities, but from lack of dogged determination, from lack of dauntless will"
- Orison Marden


Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Man on Wire

Recently watched the documentary titled, Man on Wire.  It chronicles Frenchman Phillipe Petit's amazing story of how he tight roped between the Twin Towers.  It took over a year in the making to pull of the "crime" and it's simply inspiring.  A life changing story of how a man had a dream and made it become a reality through his relentless refusal to give up.  My favorite scene (aside from whenever Phillipe would recall the event as he's a wonderful story teller) is when he is walking the rope (keep in mind 110 stories high) and he bursts into a smile. Then proceeds to lay down, I'll repeat, lay down, on the rope. Um...What?  It was the perfect depiction of an individual completely at peace knowing they had achieved their dream.  Simply amazing.

The story serves as an example for all of us to live by -  Have a dream, pursue it to the point of insanity, never refuse to give up, forget the nay sayers and do something no one else dares to try.

"It's impossible, that's sure.  So let's start working."
- Phillipe Petit


Today's Training:

A: Jerk Dip squat - 100,110,120% max jerk
B: Clean pull from blocks - 65,75,85% max clean
C:  Deadlift Wendler 3s

5 rounds of:
12 deadlift
9 hang power clean
6 push jerk 
@ 155#

A: 245,275,295#
B: 165, 195, 215#
C:  370# x 6 

TIME: 11:05.  Paced too much.  It's was pretty heavy for the jerk.  First time doing DT now I know what to expect and will do better next time. 

Mobility: 2 min/side of shoulder external rotation with KB + band distraction.  Also, Heel cord stretch + band distraction, 2 min/side. Ice bath 15 minutes post DT.

"Life should be lived on the edge of life. You have to exercise rebellion: to refuse to tape yourself to rules, to refuse your own success, to refuse to repeat yourself, to see every day, every year, every idea as a true challenge - and then you are going to live your life on a tightrope."
- Phillipe Petit from Man on Wire


Tuesday, May 24, 2011

May 23 + Today

A: Hang Clean @ 65,75,85%x3x3
B: Bench Press Wendler 3s
- HC: @190# workset
- Bench: @185#x9

AMRAP 15 min
10 burpees
2 rope climbs
20 kayaks (russian twists) @35# KB
Results: 8 rounds + 2 rope climbs.  This sucked.  need to work on rope climb skill.  Took it less than 100% effort

A: Snatch Pull
B: Power Snatch
C: Wendler Squat 3s

3 rounds
400m run
20 pistols
12 pullups


A: Work set @ 3x3 @ 180#
B: Work set @ 3x2 @ 135#.
C: 270#x5 reps.  Could have gone a few more but trying not to burn myself out


Sunday, May 22, 2011

Friday and Saturday

Friday's Training:
Power clean + Jerk 3,3,3
@ 155,175,195#
Front Squat  5 x 3 reps
@205 - focus on perfect upright posture

3 rounds
5 DL @325#
10 Burpees
20 Double Unders
TIME: 2:45

For time:
1500m row
25 hand release pushups
25 boxjumps
25 Wall ball
1000m run
20 ring dips
20 Overhead lunge
20 pullups
500m row
15 Front squat @ 95#
15 t2b

TIME: 22:40ish
- took forever and took it a little easier probably RPE of 90-95%

"What would you attempt to do if you knew you could not fail?"


Wednesday, May 18, 2011


Title has nothing to do with today's training...other than the fact that I'm cooking bacon while writing it

Power Snatch from blocks (deloadish) @60x3,70x3,75%x3x3
Squat Wendler 3s

10,9,8...2,1 of:
KB clean and Jerk @ 1.5pood
KB swing
Goblet Squat

Power Snatch @95,105,115#.  Worked on receiving it weightless and speed through the middle
Squat @ 210x3,240x3,270x5*
-  Keeping up with staying 2 shy from failure as I have a tendency to blast myself

Time: 7:07.  Felt solid.  Couldn't quite get to full extension at the top, shoulder kept popping and didn't wanna aggravate it.

External rotation with kettlebell + band distraction
Hip external rotation + some hunting around
Light rolling of pec major and minor

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Presses + running

A: Snatch grip press, 5 sets of 3 
B: Clean from blocks at knee 3 sets of 3

Metcon @ 90%
100 yd run
9 push press @95#
9 Toes thru rings
200 yd run
400m run
800m run
TIME: 10:46.  Took it easy on the metcon today.  Legs feeling heavy.  Ran at about 85-90% til last 150m full sprint.  9s were unbroken, 15s were broken in half, 21s were broken in 3 sets.  Good breathes between.  Shoulders smoked from yesterday.  Overall, good day

"Far away in the sunshine are my highest inspirations. I may not reach them, but I can look up and see the beauty, believe in them and try to follow where they lead."
 – Louisa May Alcott


Monday, May 16, 2011

Amanda + burpees

A:  Snatch + OHS 3 sets of 2
B:  Jerk @60%x2, 70x2, 80x3 sets of 2
C:  Halting Clean Deadlift 60%x3,70%x3, 80%x3x3


9-7-5 of Snatch @ 125# and Muscle ups
rest 2 minutes
AMRAP burpees in 1 Minute

A:  @115,125,140#
B:  @155,175,195#
C:  @165,185,205#

TIME: 6:52.  Had to move around a bit so that took a little off.  New to moderate weight snatching in a metcon.  Tried to focus on good reps.  Muscle ups did 5/4, 4/3, unbroken.
23 burpees.  Shoulders were smoked!

Good training day!

"The harder the conflict the more glorious the triumph."
- Thomas Paine


Sunday, May 15, 2011

Move Large Loads Quickly

Yesterday's Training:

In a team of 2, 2 rounds of:
Push 250# on the prowler 80yds (40 uphill/40down)
Tire flip 100yds (50up/50down)
4 hill sprints (big f'ing hill)
6 rope climbs

19:01 - Stephanie and I kicked some serious ass on this.  Prowler was much tougher than I thought it would be, but we got 'er done.  Fun training day.

"What you get by achieving your goals is to as important as what you become by achieving your goals."
- Ralph Waldo Emerson


Friday, May 13, 2011

Short and Sweet

Thursday training - active rest day with gymnastics

Today's training:
Part 1: Squat Wendler, 5's
Tabata burpees
rest 1 min
AMRAP 5 min of 
8 hang power snatch 
8 Knees to elbow
@ 90-95% effort

Part 1: @195x5,225x5,255#x8
Low burpee set was 7
4 round + 4 snatch.  Felt good but was feeling pretty destroyed from Wed training.  Turned out to be a much more CNS demanding workout than I had anticipated.  

"What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us”
 – Ralph Waldo Emerson


Wednesday, May 11, 2011


A: Snatch balance 3x3 (technique focus) 
B: Clean pulls @70x3,80x3,90%x5x3
C: Bench Press; Wendler 5s

5 sets:
5 Power cleans @155#
20 Double unders 
5 Jerks  @ 155#
10 pullups
rest 90 seconds

A: @95,115,135#.  Felt solid
B: @185,205,230#x5 sets of 3
C: @135x5,155#x5,175#x10
-  Solid AM training.  Felt good and strong today

Finished at 13:09 or something around that.  Good time for me
- Started the pullups with chest to bar pullups but last 2 sets were COVP.  For some reason the brain said it was too tough and switched to COVP.  Not happy with myself.  I sacrificed the difficult for something easier and mentally fucked up.  This will not happen again.  
- Also, I sacrificed good form on the jerks for time and trained bad habits.  This too will not happen again.  

Learnings today:  The clock is not  the end all be all.  If you're going to challenge yourself, don't quit on it.  Never sacrifice good form for a faster time.  

"It is only when we forget all our learning that we begin to know."
- Henry David Thoreau 

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Deadlift, AMRAP 12

Power snatch @60%x3,70x3,80 3x3
Deadlift Wendler 3x5+

AMRAP 12 min
100m run
12 KB snatches @ 35#
10 Box jumps @ 24"

Power Snatch @95,105,115# 3x3
Deadlift @275x5,315x5,350x7 reps

10 Rounds + 75
- KB was for form vs strength due to lack of technical skill.  Very light but taught a good lesson in breathing.

Overall great day today

“There is no chance, no destiny, no fate,
Can circumvent or hinder or control
The firm resolve of a determined soul.
Gifts count for nothing; will alone is great;
All things give way before it, soon or late.
What obstacle can stay the mighty force
Of the sea-seeking river in its course,
Or cause the ascending orb of day to wait?
Each well-born soul must win what it deserves.
Let the fool prate of luck. The fortunate
Is he whose earnest purpose never swerves,
Whose slightest action or inaction serve,
The one great aim.”
- "Will" By Ella Wilcox


Monday, May 9, 2011

Press + Metcon

Wendler Press 3x5 reps
For Time:
250m row
50 squats
10 press @ 95#
50 squats
10 PP
50 squats
10 PJ
250m row

95#x5,105#x5, 120#x9 reps
6:45 Time.

- Press - will stop 2 reps shy of failure next time.  Last one was a little sketchy.

-  Probably could have pushed the row a bit more than I did and the first set of air squats could have gone a little harder on.  Overall happy, wanted sub 7 and got it.  

"Success is not measured by what a man accomplishes, but by the opposition he has encountered, and the courage with which he has maintained the struggle against overwhelming odds. Not the distance we have run, but the obstacles we have overcome, the disadvantages under which we have made the race, will decide the prizes."
- Excerpt from An Iron Will


Saturday, May 7, 2011

Kanadian Killer

"Kanadian Killer" - modified
1000m run
20 pullups
30 Hang power clean & Jerk @95# (orig was 1.5 pood KB C&J)
20 pullups
1000m run

Results: 12:25.  Felt ok, feeling a little beat from all the junk I ate last night.  But overall, happy with the effort.  Good pacing strategy, second run was brutal. 

"Deep into that darkness peering, long I stood there, wondering, fearing, doubting, dreaming dreams no mortal ever dared to dream before."
- Edgar Allen Poe



Yesterday's Training:
Deadlift 1x5 @350#
OHS @ 95#

TIME: 4:44

Good day yesterday.  Celebrated my birthday dinner and pigged out! 

"It's not what you are that holds you back, it's what you think you are 
Denis Waitley'


Thursday, May 5, 2011

Last 2 days

Training yesterday:
in 15 min find 1RM clean
-255#, 10# PR
2 min AMRAP - wallballs
- 49
2 min AMRAP - KB swings @55#
- 51
2 min AMRAP - Box jumps 24"
- 65
2 min AMRAP - Row for cals @ 5 damper
- 41
A 1 min rest between each 2min AMRAP

Overall, happy with it.  Didn't pace very well with wall balls, thought I'd fatigue in the 2 min but realized afterwards that it wasn't that long and should have just kept going.  

Training today:
Gymnastics stuff (active rest day)
- handstands
- ball up to inversion + L sit to inversion
- muscle ups and skin the cat
- front lever progressions
MAP 3 training:
1 min on/1 min off (active walk) @80% roughly x 8 sets 
- done on beach, hard sand.  
Z1 running to cool down for about 8 min or so

Good day of training

"Man is buffeted by circumstances so long as he believes himself to be the creature of outside conditions. But when he realizes that he may command the hidden soil and seeds of his being out of which circumstances grow, he then becomes the rightful master of himself."
- James Allen, As a Man Thinketh

Wednesday, May 4, 2011


Back Squat (deload) 40,50,60%
@135,165,195# x 5
3 rounds
400m run
12 strict pullups
12 pistols total
12 HSPU (shoulder width apart)
400m run
400m run
Time: 14:09
not happy with this, but pistols and HSPU are huge goats.  That's the frustrating part, I could keep going but muscles refused to continue.  This is why we train, fix the stuff we suck at to get better.  "Onward and Upwards"


"The great thing in the world is not so much where we stand, as in what direction we are going."
- Oliver Wendell Holmes

Monday, May 2, 2011

Jerk + Metcon

Jerk 2-2-2
@ 155,175,195#.  Felt fine but need to work on less noise and finishing the drive (full hip extension)

4 rounds:
7 ring dips
14 V-ups  (Haven't done these in forever and forgot how to do the move.)
21 double unders
Time: 4:35

Felt good today, hot in LA so adjusting to different environmental changes.


"He who understands how will always have a job; he who understands why, will always be the boss."
- Anonymous

We got him...

Announced around 8pm PST, "Osama Bin Laden is dead."

10 years after 9/11, we finally got him.  To the men and women who fight for this great country, I thank you.  Day in and day out you all do things I would never imagine I could do, thank you for all that you do.

The individuals unofficially responsible for the killing of Bin Laden are the Navy SEALs, Team 6

"The members of Team 6 are all "black" operatives. They exist outside military protocol, engage in operations that are at the highest level of classification and often outside the boundaries of international law. To maintain plausible deniability in case they are caught, records of black operations are rarely, if ever, kept."

Read more:

So we got him, now what?  I posted previously after great success to tighten the helmet cord.  This is one of those times.  The US cannot become complacent with his death and we must prepare for a counter attack.  Al Qaeda is going to be pissed and we must be ready.  But this is a great boost for the troops' moral and a great day in history.

To those men and women who have lost their lives in service for this great country, I thank you! Your death will not be in vain.  To those who lost their lives that fateful day, you will never be forgotten.  Blessings to your families and may peace be with you.


Sunday, May 1, 2011

Intrepid Powerlifting meet

Back home now!!! 80 and sunny.

Took part in the Intrepid Powerlifting Meet yesterday.  Very pleased with my results considering less than optimal conditions.  But, still need to work on some things.

Squat: 310, 330, 355(miss)  Got reckless here and paid.  Should went for 345.
Bench:  205, 220(miss, no pause), 230.  Had plenty of room to go heavier but wanted to make sure I made it.  PR anyways.
Deadlift: The meet doesn't start til the bar hits the floor right?  420, 440, 460.  All fast and relatively easy.  Had 2 PRs there at 440/460.  

Need to work on building that squat and Bench.  Want to alter my starting position for the deadlift to use less erectors and more hamstrings.  Great day though


"Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work."
- Thomas Edison

Friday, April 29, 2011

Pulls and Snatching

A:  Clean pulls 3x3 sets @ 275#
B:  Snatch @ 135 2x3 sets
C:  Hang snatch @ 135 2x3 sets
Snatch Balance work, worked up to 165.
- decided to snatch 165 x for 1x3.  Felt strong and fast.  

Was planning on doing some C&J but wrist is bothering me. 

When we least expect it, life sets us a challenge to test our courage and willingness to change; at such a moment, there is no point in pretending that nothing has happened or in saying that we are not ready. The challenge will not wait. Life does not look back. A week is more than enough time for us to decide whether or not to accept our destiny.
- Paulo Coelho


Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Snatching and Heavy Back Squats

Snatch 80%x2x3sets
@155#.  Felt good, fast and strong
Power Snatch @ 115# 1x7 sets, on the minute
-  Easy, fast strong smooth.
HBBS @ 305, 1x6 sets
- Last one was heavy, form sucked.  Building that leg strength.

"It is not death man should fear, but he should fear never beginning to live."
Marcus Aurelius

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Clean and Weaknesses

Build to 1RM in clean and jerk
-  missed 230,235, said F it and hit 240#.  Knew it wasn't strength but speed.  Got aggressive and nailed it.
Weak in catching the snatch so worked on strengthening that position
1 snatch push press + 2 snatch balance + 3 OHS (1.2.3x3 sets)
@ 135x2, 145#.  Didn't want to go too heavy so focused on the technique.  Felt good and solid.
Death by C&J @ 95# ( that's what the gym standard was and wanted to do it with the group)
hit 11 minutes and called it.  Shoulder was feelin' odd so just shut it down.  Felt good to sweat and get HR up.

Enlightening day today.
What I learned today:
-  A great teacher can change your life
-  Get out of your own way and believe in yourself
-  Go after your weaknesses but learn when to hire someone else to do them
-  Attempt things you don't think you can do...if you don't know what to do or how, you'll find out the solution
-  Hard work doesn't go unnoticed - regardless of what you think

"There is joy in work.   There is no happiness except in the realization that we have accomplished something."
-   Henry Ford

Monday, April 25, 2011

Oly lifting and "cardio"

A: Power clean + 2 front squats
@ 175#.  Easy todday
B1: Hanging leg raise x 20
B2: Back extensions x 20 rest 1 min
uphil sprint 45 seconds rest 45 seconds x 2
80% run, 1 min, 50% run 1 min x 1
2K row for time
PR @ 7:19
- holy shit I forgot how much long rows sucked.  Would've been a little faster had I not been dickin' around with my headphones.

"Nothing in the world is worth having or worth doing unless it means effort, pain, difficulty... I have never in my life envied a human being who led an easy life. I have envied a great many people who led diffcult lives and led them well.."
- Teddy Roosevelt

*For those who haven't caught on yet, there are a certain few historic individuals whom I greatly admire and use many of their quotes.  They share wisdom that has inspired me and helped me along the way; hopefully, they help you along your way as well.


Saturday, April 23, 2011

PR saturday + Squatting

Was judging Games WOD today so had to rush my lifting

Today's training:
For fun: Max pullups.  Hit a new PR with 61.  Just lost the kip.  Just kept going and was pretty surprised by it haha.
Build to a heavy snatch - 190#, 5# PR
- SUPER Jacked about this.  Fucking stoked.
5x5 Squats
@ 255#.  Ass to grass
Good mornings 2x12 reps @ 95#, 135#.

Great day of training!  Now the studying begins...

"Difficulty strengthens the mind, as labor does the body."
- Seneca

Friday, April 22, 2011

Japanese Proverb

"After a victory, tighten your helmet cord."
- Japanese Proverb

When you find success, be ready for more.  The hardest battle is yet to be fought.  I know from experience.  I've done well in school and recently slacked off, only to put myself in a situation where I need a 93% on a final to get an A; usually, I need much less than this.  But I've not done what needed to get done after my initial victory.  I didn't tighten my helmet cord and now I pay the price for a much harder finish.  But it will get done.  I say this in hopes others can learn to get ready after their successes - always be learning.

Just remember, it isn't about how you's how you finish.


Thursday, April 21, 2011


A: Power clean 3,3,3 @ 155, 175x2 (Speed and power focus)
B: Push Press + Behind neck jerk + Jerk @ 155# 1.1.1x 3 sets
C: Single Jerks - 185, 195, 205# 
Ab/low back work and some trap 3 raises

Feeling pretty beat up today.  Contrast shower tonight and rest day tomorrow.  PR saturday coming up.

"None of us will ever accomplish anything excellent or commanding except when he listens to this whisper which is heard by him alone."
- Emerson


Squatting + Snatching

Heavy Squatting
HBBS - 3,3,2,2,1
-  Had 335, slowly but dude jumped in a little early for help so it's got a * next to it.

A: Power Snatch + OHS + Snatch
B: Snatch 3 sets  x 1
@ 145,155
C: Snatch Balance 3x3
@ 145x2, 155 + OHS x 5 w/155#.
1 Full snatch every 30 sec for 15 min w/ 95# and 115#.  Wanted to work on technique and speed.   Realized I was too far forward on the toes, moved weight back to BOF and was very smooth and fast.

"It behooves every man to remember that the work of the critic is of altogether secondary importance, and that in the end, progress is accomplished by the man who does things."
- Teddy Roosevelt


Tuesday, April 19, 2011

PRs and Fight Gone BAd

Today's Workout:
Build to a 1RM in Clean and Jerk
Hit 235# clean and Jerk (5# PR).  Went on to 245 clean, missed the jerk.  Definitely the weakest part - need to work on it.
Fight Gone Bad
3 sets
1 minute stations of:
Box jumps 20" box
Row (calories)
Push Press @75#
Sumo Deadlift High Pull @ 75#
Wall Balls 20# ball
- Score: 402 reps

Awesome day of training.  Feel blasted an hour later and hungry as a mofo, but good none the less.  First time with FGB, so not sure how to relate it but felt strong.  

"Every normal man at times must be tempted, at times, to spit on their hands, hoist the black flag and begin slitting throats." 
Henry Mencken


Sunday, April 17, 2011

Push and Pull

3 sets
Bench Press @ BW (180#), AMRAP
Strict pullups
10,9,8 + 15,14,20(6 were half kip)
Some hamstring work

Should've taken a rest day.  Will take one for sure tomorrow.

"If everyone is thinking alike, then someone isn't thinking."
- Patton

Saturday, April 16, 2011

fall down 6...get up 7

Today's Workout:
Build to a 1RM snatch
- 185#, New 5# PR.
Missed this lift nearly 9 times.  Pulled it plenty high and was under it plenty.  I simply couldn't stay tight and as soon as Simon (thanks buddy!) told me to get tight under, it went up pretty "easily."

After a gentleman was finished with his WOD, he mentioned something that has come to define me from since I was young(er).  I quote:
"I would bet $100 you miss that lift after 9 misses...and you stuck it!"  Now he didn't mean this negatively, just simply noting that neurologically and psychologically, everything was against me.  This sums up exactly who I am.  I'll miss 9/10 but all that counts is that 1 moment where it all goes right.  It only takes 1 try.  Never quit and never say never.

Footnote: in competition you get 3 lifts.  I need to fix my ish for next time.  Ie practice snatch balances and work on receiving tight.

"Life's real failure is when you do not realize how close you were to success when you gave up."
- Anonymous

Friday, April 15, 2011

Deadlifting and "The Bull"

3 sets
3 Bench Press @ 195, 205,215#
10 pullups (strict/COVP/20 Butterfly)
3 Sets
3 Heavy DL @ 375, 295, 415
5 burpees AFAP
20 Double Unders AFAP

Recovery: contrast shower, very refreshing

Warmup with some agility drills and OHS
1 Round of the bull
1 Mile run
50 OHS @105# (Rxd weight is 135, but my OHS sucks!)
50 pullups
200 double unders
TIME: 16:48

Did the mile in 6:45, cruising pace.  OHS were sets of 10, not too heavy but for sure fatiguing.  Pullups were the easiest part.  Hit 80 straight DU and just tried to keep cranking out reps.
- A really good mental test for me.

"The ladder of success is best climbed by stepping on the rungs of opportunity"

- Ayn Rand

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Power Endurance + Oly lifting

Power endurance triplet
3 sets of:
5 hang power cleans @145,155,165
15 pushups
250m row
rest 3-5 min
- no time but all row avg were 1:30, felt fast and powerful.  Row was slower than I'd like
Skill work
- Pullups, handstand pushups, single leg boxjumps 24", ring dips.  Work on the move.

Rest 5 hours

Oly lifting
5 sets of:
Power clean + Front Squat + Clean + Jerk
- 195x3 sets, 205x2 sets.  Only did the jerk 2 times due to working press after
3 sets of:
Push Press + Behind neck jerk + jerk
- 175, 155, X
Stopped after 2, shoulders just weren't there.  Going to try this tomorrow.  Should've known this would happen.  Live and learn.

Don't fear failure. — Not failure, but low aim, is the crime. In great attempts it is glorious even to fail.
- Bruce Lee

Nik W

Yesterday's training

Bench 3x5 @195#

Clean segment pulls (1"+knee+thigh) + pull
+ some other things but I can't remember...probably should've wrote it down eh?

Hang Power snatch + 2 Snatch Balance + 3 OHS, 4 sets
95#x2, 115#x2

Speed squat @~55%, 185# 12 sets of 2, rest 45 seconds
- felt fast, last few sets were a little tougher to keep speed
Scap training + core work
DB external rotations, Powell raises
Weighted situps, hanging leg raises, back extensions

A:  Power Snatch + OHS + Snatch; 5 sets @ 135# (75%)
- felt good fast and strong
B:  High hang flat footed high pulls 3x4 @115#
C:  Max reps OHS with 135#
- Hit 13 reps.
Worked parallette handstand pushups 3 sets of 3-5 negatives.

Good day yesterday, snatch feeling faster under the bar.


Sunday, April 10, 2011

Strength 'n Speed

Went to train yesterday and worked up some presses and squats - Nothing in the tank.  Physically felt fine, CNS wise, destroyed.  225# squats felt heavy.  Shut 'er down and went home.

Today's Workout:
Warmup - 5 min airdyne 86 cals.  Very easy pace

Press - 135# 3x3.  Failed on rep 3 of last set.  rest 3 min
Push Press + Behind neck jerk + jerk @ 135# x 2 sets rest 2 min.  Very fast and light

Squat - 280# 3x3.  rest 3 min.  Hip crease below knee
Squat - 250# 2x3 rest 2 min.  Full depth, emphasis on speed out of hole.
Technique work on snatch and clean.

Focused today on building strength (slow moves) and add some speed elements to balance it.

May go for a run later today.  Beautiful day here, finally.


Friday, April 8, 2011

Games WOD 3

Today's Workout:
Crossfit Games WOD 3:

AMRAP(another F'n amrap...) in 5 minutes
Clean and Jerk @165#
- Full Cleans
- Each part counts as 1 rep.  Must do a clean then jerk.  Miss a jerk, re-clean and try again.

Score: 21 reps (42 total reps)

Notes:  Missed 1 jerk near 18-19.  Brain went on go fast mode and started push pressing reps, WTF are you crazy?  So shoulders were fried.  Cleans got heavy on the legs, granted it was a full clean, A2G style.  Full effort though.

Starting to do a higher carb cycle shooting for 300g/day.  Seeing how I feel during WOD/Post and recovery.


"A lot of people run a race to see who is fastest. I run to see who has the most guts, who can punish himself into exhausting pace, and then at the end, punish himself even more"

- Pre

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Oly training + Heavy Helen

Part 1:
Warmup series - 2 long snatch + 2 push press + 2 OHS 
@ 65,85#
5 sets: Power snatch + OHS + Snatch
@115x1,135x4 sets

Some technique work.  Kept missing at heavy weights so figured it was better to drop intensity and work on doing it technically better.
Rest 15 minutes
"Heavy Helen"
3 rounds for time:
400m run
21 KB swings @ 70#/2pood
12 C2B pullups
- TIME: 9:26.  Didn't take it 100% on the run, all unbroken.  

So recently I watched the crossfit documentary on Mikko Salo.  Toughest dude I've ever seen mentally.  And this idea of the finnish word - SISU, is what sums it up.  Translated as strength of will, determination, perseverance, and acting rationally in the face of adversity.  He shows this to the T.  Here's my favorite quote of his and one that I'm putting into practice - "When animals surrender, they lie on their back; and then I decided I'll nevery lie on my back.  It's a sign of weakness and surrendering...never lying on my back..."  Refuse to quit and never surrender.  

"I don't think people are looking for the meaning of life as much as they are looking for the experience of being alive."
-Joseph Campbell
