Friday, April 29, 2011

Pulls and Snatching

A:  Clean pulls 3x3 sets @ 275#
B:  Snatch @ 135 2x3 sets
C:  Hang snatch @ 135 2x3 sets
Snatch Balance work, worked up to 165.
- decided to snatch 165 x for 1x3.  Felt strong and fast.  

Was planning on doing some C&J but wrist is bothering me. 

When we least expect it, life sets us a challenge to test our courage and willingness to change; at such a moment, there is no point in pretending that nothing has happened or in saying that we are not ready. The challenge will not wait. Life does not look back. A week is more than enough time for us to decide whether or not to accept our destiny.
- Paulo Coelho


Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Snatching and Heavy Back Squats

Snatch 80%x2x3sets
@155#.  Felt good, fast and strong
Power Snatch @ 115# 1x7 sets, on the minute
-  Easy, fast strong smooth.
HBBS @ 305, 1x6 sets
- Last one was heavy, form sucked.  Building that leg strength.

"It is not death man should fear, but he should fear never beginning to live."
Marcus Aurelius

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Clean and Weaknesses

Build to 1RM in clean and jerk
-  missed 230,235, said F it and hit 240#.  Knew it wasn't strength but speed.  Got aggressive and nailed it.
Weak in catching the snatch so worked on strengthening that position
1 snatch push press + 2 snatch balance + 3 OHS (1.2.3x3 sets)
@ 135x2, 145#.  Didn't want to go too heavy so focused on the technique.  Felt good and solid.
Death by C&J @ 95# ( that's what the gym standard was and wanted to do it with the group)
hit 11 minutes and called it.  Shoulder was feelin' odd so just shut it down.  Felt good to sweat and get HR up.

Enlightening day today.
What I learned today:
-  A great teacher can change your life
-  Get out of your own way and believe in yourself
-  Go after your weaknesses but learn when to hire someone else to do them
-  Attempt things you don't think you can do...if you don't know what to do or how, you'll find out the solution
-  Hard work doesn't go unnoticed - regardless of what you think

"There is joy in work.   There is no happiness except in the realization that we have accomplished something."
-   Henry Ford

Monday, April 25, 2011

Oly lifting and "cardio"

A: Power clean + 2 front squats
@ 175#.  Easy todday
B1: Hanging leg raise x 20
B2: Back extensions x 20 rest 1 min
uphil sprint 45 seconds rest 45 seconds x 2
80% run, 1 min, 50% run 1 min x 1
2K row for time
PR @ 7:19
- holy shit I forgot how much long rows sucked.  Would've been a little faster had I not been dickin' around with my headphones.

"Nothing in the world is worth having or worth doing unless it means effort, pain, difficulty... I have never in my life envied a human being who led an easy life. I have envied a great many people who led diffcult lives and led them well.."
- Teddy Roosevelt

*For those who haven't caught on yet, there are a certain few historic individuals whom I greatly admire and use many of their quotes.  They share wisdom that has inspired me and helped me along the way; hopefully, they help you along your way as well.


Saturday, April 23, 2011

PR saturday + Squatting

Was judging Games WOD today so had to rush my lifting

Today's training:
For fun: Max pullups.  Hit a new PR with 61.  Just lost the kip.  Just kept going and was pretty surprised by it haha.
Build to a heavy snatch - 190#, 5# PR
- SUPER Jacked about this.  Fucking stoked.
5x5 Squats
@ 255#.  Ass to grass
Good mornings 2x12 reps @ 95#, 135#.

Great day of training!  Now the studying begins...

"Difficulty strengthens the mind, as labor does the body."
- Seneca

Friday, April 22, 2011

Japanese Proverb

"After a victory, tighten your helmet cord."
- Japanese Proverb

When you find success, be ready for more.  The hardest battle is yet to be fought.  I know from experience.  I've done well in school and recently slacked off, only to put myself in a situation where I need a 93% on a final to get an A; usually, I need much less than this.  But I've not done what needed to get done after my initial victory.  I didn't tighten my helmet cord and now I pay the price for a much harder finish.  But it will get done.  I say this in hopes others can learn to get ready after their successes - always be learning.

Just remember, it isn't about how you's how you finish.


Thursday, April 21, 2011


A: Power clean 3,3,3 @ 155, 175x2 (Speed and power focus)
B: Push Press + Behind neck jerk + Jerk @ 155# 1.1.1x 3 sets
C: Single Jerks - 185, 195, 205# 
Ab/low back work and some trap 3 raises

Feeling pretty beat up today.  Contrast shower tonight and rest day tomorrow.  PR saturday coming up.

"None of us will ever accomplish anything excellent or commanding except when he listens to this whisper which is heard by him alone."
- Emerson


Squatting + Snatching

Heavy Squatting
HBBS - 3,3,2,2,1
-  Had 335, slowly but dude jumped in a little early for help so it's got a * next to it.

A: Power Snatch + OHS + Snatch
B: Snatch 3 sets  x 1
@ 145,155
C: Snatch Balance 3x3
@ 145x2, 155 + OHS x 5 w/155#.
1 Full snatch every 30 sec for 15 min w/ 95# and 115#.  Wanted to work on technique and speed.   Realized I was too far forward on the toes, moved weight back to BOF and was very smooth and fast.

"It behooves every man to remember that the work of the critic is of altogether secondary importance, and that in the end, progress is accomplished by the man who does things."
- Teddy Roosevelt


Tuesday, April 19, 2011

PRs and Fight Gone BAd

Today's Workout:
Build to a 1RM in Clean and Jerk
Hit 235# clean and Jerk (5# PR).  Went on to 245 clean, missed the jerk.  Definitely the weakest part - need to work on it.
Fight Gone Bad
3 sets
1 minute stations of:
Box jumps 20" box
Row (calories)
Push Press @75#
Sumo Deadlift High Pull @ 75#
Wall Balls 20# ball
- Score: 402 reps

Awesome day of training.  Feel blasted an hour later and hungry as a mofo, but good none the less.  First time with FGB, so not sure how to relate it but felt strong.  

"Every normal man at times must be tempted, at times, to spit on their hands, hoist the black flag and begin slitting throats." 
Henry Mencken


Sunday, April 17, 2011

Push and Pull

3 sets
Bench Press @ BW (180#), AMRAP
Strict pullups
10,9,8 + 15,14,20(6 were half kip)
Some hamstring work

Should've taken a rest day.  Will take one for sure tomorrow.

"If everyone is thinking alike, then someone isn't thinking."
- Patton

Saturday, April 16, 2011

fall down 6...get up 7

Today's Workout:
Build to a 1RM snatch
- 185#, New 5# PR.
Missed this lift nearly 9 times.  Pulled it plenty high and was under it plenty.  I simply couldn't stay tight and as soon as Simon (thanks buddy!) told me to get tight under, it went up pretty "easily."

After a gentleman was finished with his WOD, he mentioned something that has come to define me from since I was young(er).  I quote:
"I would bet $100 you miss that lift after 9 misses...and you stuck it!"  Now he didn't mean this negatively, just simply noting that neurologically and psychologically, everything was against me.  This sums up exactly who I am.  I'll miss 9/10 but all that counts is that 1 moment where it all goes right.  It only takes 1 try.  Never quit and never say never.

Footnote: in competition you get 3 lifts.  I need to fix my ish for next time.  Ie practice snatch balances and work on receiving tight.

"Life's real failure is when you do not realize how close you were to success when you gave up."
- Anonymous

Friday, April 15, 2011

Deadlifting and "The Bull"

3 sets
3 Bench Press @ 195, 205,215#
10 pullups (strict/COVP/20 Butterfly)
3 Sets
3 Heavy DL @ 375, 295, 415
5 burpees AFAP
20 Double Unders AFAP

Recovery: contrast shower, very refreshing

Warmup with some agility drills and OHS
1 Round of the bull
1 Mile run
50 OHS @105# (Rxd weight is 135, but my OHS sucks!)
50 pullups
200 double unders
TIME: 16:48

Did the mile in 6:45, cruising pace.  OHS were sets of 10, not too heavy but for sure fatiguing.  Pullups were the easiest part.  Hit 80 straight DU and just tried to keep cranking out reps.
- A really good mental test for me.

"The ladder of success is best climbed by stepping on the rungs of opportunity"

- Ayn Rand

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Power Endurance + Oly lifting

Power endurance triplet
3 sets of:
5 hang power cleans @145,155,165
15 pushups
250m row
rest 3-5 min
- no time but all row avg were 1:30, felt fast and powerful.  Row was slower than I'd like
Skill work
- Pullups, handstand pushups, single leg boxjumps 24", ring dips.  Work on the move.

Rest 5 hours

Oly lifting
5 sets of:
Power clean + Front Squat + Clean + Jerk
- 195x3 sets, 205x2 sets.  Only did the jerk 2 times due to working press after
3 sets of:
Push Press + Behind neck jerk + jerk
- 175, 155, X
Stopped after 2, shoulders just weren't there.  Going to try this tomorrow.  Should've known this would happen.  Live and learn.

Don't fear failure. — Not failure, but low aim, is the crime. In great attempts it is glorious even to fail.
- Bruce Lee

Nik W

Yesterday's training

Bench 3x5 @195#

Clean segment pulls (1"+knee+thigh) + pull
+ some other things but I can't remember...probably should've wrote it down eh?

Hang Power snatch + 2 Snatch Balance + 3 OHS, 4 sets
95#x2, 115#x2

Speed squat @~55%, 185# 12 sets of 2, rest 45 seconds
- felt fast, last few sets were a little tougher to keep speed
Scap training + core work
DB external rotations, Powell raises
Weighted situps, hanging leg raises, back extensions

A:  Power Snatch + OHS + Snatch; 5 sets @ 135# (75%)
- felt good fast and strong
B:  High hang flat footed high pulls 3x4 @115#
C:  Max reps OHS with 135#
- Hit 13 reps.
Worked parallette handstand pushups 3 sets of 3-5 negatives.

Good day yesterday, snatch feeling faster under the bar.


Sunday, April 10, 2011

Strength 'n Speed

Went to train yesterday and worked up some presses and squats - Nothing in the tank.  Physically felt fine, CNS wise, destroyed.  225# squats felt heavy.  Shut 'er down and went home.

Today's Workout:
Warmup - 5 min airdyne 86 cals.  Very easy pace

Press - 135# 3x3.  Failed on rep 3 of last set.  rest 3 min
Push Press + Behind neck jerk + jerk @ 135# x 2 sets rest 2 min.  Very fast and light

Squat - 280# 3x3.  rest 3 min.  Hip crease below knee
Squat - 250# 2x3 rest 2 min.  Full depth, emphasis on speed out of hole.
Technique work on snatch and clean.

Focused today on building strength (slow moves) and add some speed elements to balance it.

May go for a run later today.  Beautiful day here, finally.


Friday, April 8, 2011

Games WOD 3

Today's Workout:
Crossfit Games WOD 3:

AMRAP(another F'n amrap...) in 5 minutes
Clean and Jerk @165#
- Full Cleans
- Each part counts as 1 rep.  Must do a clean then jerk.  Miss a jerk, re-clean and try again.

Score: 21 reps (42 total reps)

Notes:  Missed 1 jerk near 18-19.  Brain went on go fast mode and started push pressing reps, WTF are you crazy?  So shoulders were fried.  Cleans got heavy on the legs, granted it was a full clean, A2G style.  Full effort though.

Starting to do a higher carb cycle shooting for 300g/day.  Seeing how I feel during WOD/Post and recovery.


"A lot of people run a race to see who is fastest. I run to see who has the most guts, who can punish himself into exhausting pace, and then at the end, punish himself even more"

- Pre

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Oly training + Heavy Helen

Part 1:
Warmup series - 2 long snatch + 2 push press + 2 OHS 
@ 65,85#
5 sets: Power snatch + OHS + Snatch
@115x1,135x4 sets

Some technique work.  Kept missing at heavy weights so figured it was better to drop intensity and work on doing it technically better.
Rest 15 minutes
"Heavy Helen"
3 rounds for time:
400m run
21 KB swings @ 70#/2pood
12 C2B pullups
- TIME: 9:26.  Didn't take it 100% on the run, all unbroken.  

So recently I watched the crossfit documentary on Mikko Salo.  Toughest dude I've ever seen mentally.  And this idea of the finnish word - SISU, is what sums it up.  Translated as strength of will, determination, perseverance, and acting rationally in the face of adversity.  He shows this to the T.  Here's my favorite quote of his and one that I'm putting into practice - "When animals surrender, they lie on their back; and then I decided I'll nevery lie on my back.  It's a sign of weakness and surrendering...never lying on my back..."  Refuse to quit and never surrender.  

"I don't think people are looking for the meaning of life as much as they are looking for the experience of being alive."
-Joseph Campbell


Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Mashup and Oly lifting

Build to 1RM Press - hit 155#, 10#PR.  Pretty stoked about this - pressing strength is garbage
8 sets of 10 pullups, rest 45 seconds.  Complete - mix of butterfly and chest to bar
3 sets
Airdyne sprints - 25 sec, 100% effort; rest 2:35.  Cals - 16,21,16(20sec, stupid timer)
3 sets of 25 KTE

Oly lifting
Snatch  1x4 sets @85% - 155# (a few misses, not staying tight and keep lats/back tight and close)
Clean n Jerk 1x4 sets @85% - 195# (1 miss in the jerk, too little rest between)
Death by clean and jerk - sort of.  did 6 minutes @135#.
Felt out WOD 3, felt pretty heavy, granted I did all that other work so to be expected.  Looking at 4-5/minute.

"Every day you may make progress. Every step may be fruitful. Yet there will stretch out before you an ever-lengthening, ever-ascending, ever-improving path. You know you will never get to the end of the journey. But this, so far from discouraging, only adds to the joy and glory of the climb."
- Sir Winston Churchill

Friday, April 1, 2011

Not meeting expectations - Swearing involved

So doing the WOD today, I had a friend of mine who didn't do as well as they would've liked.  Disappointed in himself, he started to beat himself up over not doing well and missing out on a good opportunity.  Fuck that - he did awesome.  Despite not reaching his goal, he achieved something more.  He developed his mental toughness.  The numbers are merely score cards for short term gain.  Mental toughness and developing that skill is an asset for life and nothing a number can even begin to equate to.  Keep this in mind - you never train against someone else.  You train against your former self and against a clock.  The only one to beat you is you and whenever you progress (tangibly or intangibly) you win.  I'm proud of the effort he gave as he laid on the floor sucking wind, knowing he gave everything at the current moment in time.  In hindsight, we can always go heavier, faster, longer - but only the current moment counts and what you do in that time is the one that matters.  Forget the monday morning quarterbacking.  Some times you just have a bad day and there ain't nothin you can do about it.  Look at where you could've gone faster and better and then practice that and improve.

This isn't my job so winning isn't my goal.  Improving my former self is.  Does it pay to be a winner? Absolutely.  Does anyone remember second place? No, but fuck them.  We're the ones in the Arena doing it while they take no risks.

Crossfit AZO, you guys kicked ass today.  Some gave 100% and only got 4 rounds but everyone took the chance and threw their former selves on the fire.  Way to go!


Games WOD 2

Today's WOD:
Games workout Number DEUCE

15 min AMRAP
9 DL @ 155#
12 hand release pushups
15 Box Jumps, 24" box
12 rounds + 9 DL + 2 PU

could've had 13 in there, but paced a little conservative.  Although very happy considering my focus had been oly lifting last month or so.  Pushups were the hardest part for sure.  Just muscularly not strong enough.

Recovery to come:
10 min bikeride or so
15 Min Sauna
10 min Ice bath (maybe), but def constrast shower

"No matter how hard you train, Somebody will train harder. No matter how hard you run, Somebody will run harder. No matter how hard you want it, Somebody will want it more, I am Somebody"..."The only good pace is suicide pace, and today's a good day to die." - Prefontaine 
