Saturday, March 12, 2011

Oly sesh W1/D4

Warmup - 5 min airdyne - 10 sec sprint every minute - 50 cals

  • Warm-up series - 2 clean long pull + 2 front squat + 2 clean Sots press
  • Clean segment pull (1", knee, hip, finish) + clean pull - (1 + 1) x 1 x 3 sets
    • was supposed to be x2 for 3 sets but I'm a dummy and forgot so only did 1
    • @225#
  • Clean & jerk - 60% x 3 + 1 x 3
    • @135#x3 sets, 145#x2 sets
  • Backsquat 5x5
    • 225x1, 245#x4
Row 250m all out pace rest 2:30
did 3 sets at 1:30 pace then decided to test 500m row - SHITTY! idea.  Time was 1:32, not surprised as I wasn't feeling powerful.  Ya I know, really dumb idea.  Good to know I can do that after all that other work

"The man who can drive himself further once the effort gets painful is the man who will win."
Roger Bannister

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