Thursday, March 3, 2011

Oly Lifting

Oly lifting:
Jerk Balance 60,70,80% 3x3
halting CDL 60,70,80% 3x3
C&J 3+1, 60,70% -80% 2+2x3 (135,155,175#)
Rack Jerk Light technique
Squat (A2G) 205,245,275#x3

Oly lifts coming along nicely.  Much quicker than I anticipated, very excited.  

Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.
- Thomas Edison


Food for thought:
-  What do you wake up for?  Everyday I wake up and get ready to become a new version of me, a better version.  A rough day comes along and all I think about is how this moment is preparing me for the next and how I have become better through struggle.  So what do you get up for?

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