Wednesday, March 2, 2011


The question I have been asking myself lately - how do you realize your own potential?  I asked Ross Enamait that very question and his response was not what I was hoping for.  He said, and I paraphrase here, "do we ever truly realize our own potential?"  Like I said, not the answer I was banking on; I was hoping for the gates of heaven to open and the light and angels to show me the way.  Ya, right.  

But that thought is interesting - we don't really know our own potential, it comes from simply doing.  Whether this be discussing a topic with someone and realize, "hey, I know more than I thought." Or like my self, you realize you're faster, stronger, quicker than you realized.  Until you look at the clock and say - Oh shit...I didn't even notice.  

But, lets go back to the beginning...What is potential?  Well, its the possibility of something occurring.  In my thought, my own potential greatness/ability.  So if something must become a possibility there has to be a reason for thinking it, right? (stay with me here).  For most people, its training or preparation.  Day in and day out, we work our ass off in hopes of something better.  We have prepared and given the opportunity for greater potential.  Now, we have the possibility of greatness.  How do we achieve it or know it's there?

By going out and testing ourselves.  Laying everything on the line and seeing where the chips fall.  Its stepping into the cage, speaking up in the boardroom, competing, or taking some kind of risk.  That's where we realize our potential.  Sometimes life kicks us in the teeth, better luck next time.  Other times, it gives us a glimmer of hope and that thought - "Maybe I'm better than I thought I was."  The movie Rocky Balboa said it best, "How much you can take and keep moving forward. That's how winning is done! Now if you know what you're worth then go out and get what you're worth. But ya gotta be willing to take the hits, and not pointing fingers saying you ain't where you wanna be because of him, or her, or anybody! Cowards do that and that ain't you!" Taking that risk of getting knocked on your ass, thats where the discovery lies.  

Take the chance and go see what you're capable of!


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