Monday, March 7, 2011

Oly lifting

Last Saturday's Oly sesh with coach Aileen of Bob Takano's gym.

Hang Power Snatch + Overhead squat:  2.1x3 sets - up to 105#
Snatch 3 x 3 sets - up to 115#
Clean and Jerk 3.2 x 3 sets - up to 165# (i think?)
Front squat 4x4 @205#
Power jerk 3x3 @ 105#

My time at Intrepid last week was excellent.  Top notch coaching by Ruth, Sean, Marcus and Aileen.  They put up with my constant questioning (thanks guys!) and helped some fixes.  A writeup will be in order in the near future.  If you are ever in the El Segundo area of LA, go there and check 'em out.

"When you're finished're finished."
- Benjamin Franklin

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