Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Day 2 Oly cycle

Today's WOD
15 Box Jumps - 24" box
55 Russian DBS 2pood
15 Box jumps
25 Burpees
TIME: 5:50

PM- Olympic lifting
A: Build to heavy snatch for day - 160#, 15#PR.
Then 75% 5 sets x 1; rest 1 min
B: Build to heavy Clean and Jerk - 215#, 5#PR (had more but left some on table)
Then 75% 5x1; rest 1 min
C: Front Squat 2x2 - 215#, 220#

Feeling good.  Pretty stoked about my oly lifting and how it's coming along.

More Alchemist quotes - if you haven't noticed by now, this book is excellent.  I'd say it's damn near life changing if listened to and actually applied.

“There is only one thing that makes a dream impossible to achieve: the fear of failure.”  The Alchemist 

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